Latest version.
  • An owner of property located within the city shall petition the Common Council for tax abatement consideration by preparing an application in writing, such application to include the following information:
    (A) The name or names and addresses of the property owners and any other persons intending to lease or having an option to buy such property;
    (B) The legal description and commonly known address of the property for which tax abatement is being petitioned;
    (C) A map designating the area in question for consideration;
    (D) The assessed value of the improvement before rehabilitation or redevelopment and the estimated value after improvement together with a description of the intended improvement;
    (E) Pictures of the area in question taken at least two weeks within the filing of the petition;
    (F) A statement verifying that on the area in question conditions exist which cannot be corrected by regulatory process, or by the ordinary operations of private enterprise, without resorting to tax abatement; or
    (G) That the development of the area in question is consistent with the Economic Development Plan as presented by the Department of Development to the Common Council which accepted and approved such plan.
    (H) A statement describing how the public health and welfare will be benefitted by this particular rehabilitation or redevelopment;
    (I) A statement verifying that the area in question has become undesirable for or impossible for normal development, has experienced a cessation of growth, deterioration of improvements or character of occupancy, age, obsolescence, sub-standard buildings, and other factors which have impaired values and prevent a normal development of the property or property use;
    (J) A statement estimating the number of new permanent full-time and part-time jobs which will be created by this project or retained as a result of this project;
    (K) A statement that the application is made in good faith and that the information presented is accurate and represents the conditions that exists or are anticipated at the time of filing the application.
    (Ord. 5036, passed 1-26-81)